Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Feast

As usual we met with friends for a Christmas eve dinner and gift exchange. It was lots of fun with the exception of Tiedye Girl, who is going through a divorce and showing severe signs of depression and anxiety. It is very hard for all of us to see her in that state. Folks have taken to tiptoeing around her, trying not to upset her, and I have encouraged them to interact with her in the most normal way, that she needs the stability of her friends and family more than stiffled interactions. She is looking for treatment and we will see if it helps. She needs to know she will be kept safe. Anyway, she spent most of the evening asleep as she took some medication for anxiety.

Everything else was quite enjoyable. I was delighted that one of the teens, who is now 18, gave me a book! He is an avid reader, and each year I found books for him, mostly of Fantasy and Sci-fi types. This year I gave him an Octavia Buttler collection. I am so please to see him share his love of reading with me by giving me a book he has enjoyed, and thought I might enjoy too! That was the best gift!

For mystic, I post some pictures of the delicious goodies we delected ourselves with.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonita! So sorry I missed you and the Kid last night. I hear you are doing well and that makes me very happy! Happy Happy New Year to you and "yourn" :) Can't wait to see you sometime this year, hope to talk Spins into a little road trip at some point down to see your lovely home!

12:20 PM  
Blogger P'tit-Loup said...

That would be awesome and we have loads of space for guests. Happy new year to you and LB and the charming kitties! xoxoxo

6:31 PM  

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