Friday, January 13, 2006

I'm so anti establishment

I had a fun evening with friends as we said goodbye to a co-worker who is moving on to a new job. He also announced that he is getting married sometimes soon and some discussion ensued on marriage and men and women's idea of marriage. I just find it amazing how so many women want a huge wedding with all the fixing. I just don't get it. As he was saying that the wedding would really be for her, I thought then why do you go through with it if it is not something you want too? And all the folks there agreed that the wedding is really more for the woman, and that the guy should indulge his new mate with the wedding she wants. I don't get it. Anyway or as Spin would put it pretty pictures.

Here is a fun site I stumbled upon today. Spin, check this one out, it is especially for you! Threadbared


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh. my. god. I LOVE that site! That was freakin hilarious! I love Ken's crochet workout outfit and the dog was just over the top, thanks for a great laugh, spin i know you will love this too if you haven't looked yet!

11:21 PM  
Blogger P'tit-Loup said...

That's true. I still have an aversion to spending a shitload of cash for a party. Don't get me wrong, I have had a great time at some weddings, but usually the fun ones were where there was true reciprocality in wanting the ceremony. I still think women should allow guys to get involved more in the process. Same with baby showers. I never understood why it is for women only. Why would a guy get involved with the child if he gets put aside during pregnancy? I know, I'm a freak, I know I'm not alone in these parts and that is somewhat reassuring!

2:00 PM  
Blogger P'tit-Loup said...

I can't pass this one up. The code word is ewfun: what a masochist say at a party, or the most cheerful expression uttered by a pessimist.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because I was not invited to my wifes shower party did not stop me from getting ivolved with her pregnancy. I rubbed cream on her every day at her request to prevent stretch marks. I also pretty much was reduced to gofer status.

6:21 AM  
Blogger HistoryGeek said...

That site was hysterical. Ken's crochet workout outfit was the BOMB!

9:09 AM  
Blogger LB said...

have a big wedding party, but not a huge wedding, that's maybe my thinking....

2:18 PM  
Blogger P'tit-Loup said...

That's great that you were involved Mystic, but we already agree that you are not the traditional guy in a few ways. I just think that the whole process needs to be inclusive of both partners, from planning a wedding to planning pregnancy to raising a child. And I'm not deluded to think that there are not plenty of women who do not want their mates involved in any of those processes. I just think it would be a more complete marriage if there is more sharing on all level.

Spin, I knew you would like Ken's nice little outfits!

LB, I'm with you, a good party, but not stuffy and regulated with colors (of napkins and flowers) matching the dresses and etc. That is just too much for me!

7:36 PM  
Blogger Karla said...

It's baffling to me that either weddings or baby showers are considered "women's" events. This hasn't been true of most of the ones I've attended, although there are usually more women at baby showers than men.

On weddings, my favorites have been the ones that involved a great party, but those have also been ones where the marriage has lasted (so far, over 10 years in each case, over 20 years in one). If I ever get married, I want a good party, but not a fancy traditional thing. However, some people just don't like parties, they like to run off or sign the papers at city hall. And fine for them.

1:27 PM  

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